Ageing well
Delivering an Ageing Well service to the pre-frail and frail population of East Surrey will provide a positive impact on health care systems and for people as they age.
There are an estimated 3,323 people in East Surrey who are frail with a further 14,836 who are pre-frail. We’re working together across East Surrey Place to improve care for older people, sharing best practice and expertise between partners about what is working well. This means that care for people as they get older is proactive and helps prevent deterioration, and enables them to live at home for as long as possible.
Our partners are working together to anticipate and react to the needs of older people, listening to what they - and those who care for them – want, and ensuring we have the right workforce with the right training to support our innovations.
Anticipatory Care Hubs
How healthcare professionals in East Surrey are working together to keep older people well at home and reduce unplanned hospital admissions.