Look after your mental health this Christmas | News Centre

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Look after your mental health this Christmas

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Surrey Heartlands’ Chief Medical Officer reminds people to take care of their mental health this Christmas and reach out for support if they need it.

The festive period can be a time of celebration and joy but for many people it can be a lonely or stressful time. It is so important people do not suffer in silence and reach out for help and support if they need it.

Dr Charlotte Canniff, Joint Chief Medical Officer for Surrey Heartlands NHS, said: 

This time of year is associated with family gatherings and social activities, and this can exacerbate feelings of loneliness or loss for many people.

It is also a time where people may feel extra pressure whether that’s with regards to money or perceived expectations of how celebrations should be. For others the disruption to normal routine can cause stress or exacerbate existing mental health conditions. 

It is really important that people know how to access help if they need it, especially at this time of year. Nobody should ever suffer in silence.

Where to get support this Christmas?  

Trying to understand which services best suit your needs can be difficult, especially if you have never heard of them. You can access services without needing to speak to your GP first.

The Healthy Surrey and Mindworks Surrey websites have lots of resources and a comprehensive list of local support services for mental health and emotional wellbeing.

If you are unable to access online services, you can continue to seek emotional wellbeing support through a free confidential helpline:

  • call 0808 802 5000 (in high demand periods, an answerphone service may be in place)
  • SMS Text 07537 432411 (staffed Monday to Friday 9am-2pm)

Safe Havens are also available 365 days a year. They provide a safe alternative to A&E for people experience a mental health crisis of emotional distress.

Safe Havens in Redhill, Epsom, Woking, and Guildford are open 6-11pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Virtual Safe Havens are also open all year round between the hours of 6-11pm, providing support and help to those via video call.

More information is available on the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website Support for mental health crisis over Christmas and New Year.

There are also many charities who provide vital support to those in need throughout the festive period including, Samaritans, Mind and Carers UK.

Mental health support in Surrey Heartlands

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