Landmark moment as NHS kicks off first ever RSV jab rollout | News Centre

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Landmark moment as NHS kicks off first ever RSV jab rollout

Graphic displaying the words protect your baby from serious lung infection

The NHS has started vaccinating people against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), for the first time in its history.

RSV, a leading cause of infant mortality around the world, is a common cause of coughs and colds but can lead to severe lung infections like pneumonia and infant bronchiolitis, which are highly dangerous to older people and young children.

As part of winter preparations, the NHS will be vaccinating pregnant women and older adults, including those turning 75 on or after 1 September.

There will also be a one-off ‘catch-up’ offer for everyone aged 75 to 79 years old to ensure the older age group are protected as the winter months approach.

Find out more on the NHS England website

Posted in Winter

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