Why not try some fun activities to celebrate the NHS 75th birthday? | News Centre

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Why not try some fun activities to celebrate the NHS 75th birthday?

NHS 75 birthday activity sheet for children

Wednesday 5th July 2023 marks 75 years of the National Health Service and to help celebrate this milestone Surrey Heartlands have produced a fun activity sheet [pdf] 1MB with a spot the difference, a word search and a colouring in feature.

The puzzles are meant to be fun for children, and along the way they might learn a little more about the different ways to keep healthy.

Here's what you'll find on the activity sheets:

  • Leonce, Kai, Ava and Finn are unwell, help they need by following the right path
  • spot the difference between pictures of two pharmacies
  • find the hidden the words within the lines of letters in a health related word search
  • and if there’s time, there’s a heart shaped ‘Thank You NHS’ to colour in.

If you have any questions or if you want to tell us how you used the activity sheet or send photos (with consent) we’d love to hear from you, please contact the Surrey Heartlands Comms Team: syheartlandsicb.comms@nhs.net.

Information on the NHS at 75

Since the NHS was founded on 5 July 1948, it has always innovated and adapted to meet to needs of each generation.

The founding principles remain as relevant, and valued, today as they were 75 years ago.

The public still support having a national health service, and it is what makes our people most proud to be British.

As we mark 75 years of the NHS, we’re looking back on the history and achievements of our organisation – and its staff and volunteers – and the opportunities that lie ahead to shape the next 75.

The NHS has been a constant presence throughout all our lives, and we can all play a role in supporting the NHS this special birthday year.


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