Reflections on recent events and our absolute commitment to protecting staff and patients through our zero tolerance approach to abuse | News Centre

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Reflections on recent events and our absolute commitment to protecting staff and patients through our zero tolerance approach to abuse

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Following on from the tragic events in Southport last week and the escalating violence and protests that have followed across the country over the weekend, as a system our first priority will always be supporting and protecting our staff and our patients.

To that end, our absolute commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion remains and we stand by our firm zero tolerance approach to abuse, racism or discrimination of any kind against our staff, our wider NHS community, our partners and our patients and residents.

We are incredibly proud of the multi-cultural nature of our workforce and our population and the richness this brings to our health and care system and to Surrey Heartlands.

If anyone witnesses any form of threatening, violent or aggressive behaviour, we urge staff and patients to report it immediately through the appropriate channels, involving police colleagues, where necessary, to ensure these behaviours are called out and acted on.

We recognise that members of our workforce, particularly those on the frontline, and members of our communities, may feel worried or anxious about the nature of the events we have been witnessing, and some may have been affected personally, where people may have friends and relatives in the towns and cities affected. 

We know our partner organisations will already be supporting staff locally and, as a health and care system, we would encourage anyone who has been affected by recent events to come forward and seek support – and for us all to continue to support each other and stand strong together.

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