NHS to roll out variant busting booster jab from September | News Centre

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NHS to roll out variant busting booster jab from September

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The NHS will become the first healthcare system in the world to use the next generation, bivalent covid vaccine when it kickstarts the autumn booster rollout in early September. 

Following the updated advice from the JCVI on Monday, the NHS has now set out plans for the next phase of the covid-19 vaccination programme - the largest and fastest vaccine drive in health service history. 

Set to start during the week of 5 September, NHS staff will begin vaccinating care home residents and people who are housebound.

The National Booking Service will also open that week ahead of the wider rollout, due to start on the 12 September, with the NHS inviting those who are most susceptible to serious illness from covid-19 and those aged 75 and over to book an appointment from that week.

For further details read more on the NHS England website.


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